
Catering / Nutrition

HSE is committed to promoting healthy nutrition and encourages parents to provide healthy, balanced and nutritious packed snacks/lunches for their child to eat during break times. Packed lunches should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, sandwiches, yogurt, plain biscuits, juice, etc. All students must also bring a large flask of water enough to keep them hydrated throughout the school day especially in hot weather and during PE lessons.

Packed snacks/lunches must be brought to school in clearly labeled lunch box containers. Lunch boxes should not contain any glass bottles or jars. Fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate, chewing gum and chips are not permitted. Eating is monitored by staff and if concerns arise, the school contacts parents. Students in Early Childhood have their snack/lunch in their classrooms and all other students eat their lunch in the school playground.

Students from Grade 2 upwards can purchase food from the school canteen, which provides a range of healthy hot and cold meals, freshly prepared on site every day. At the beginning of the year, parents are informed of prices and the range of meals offered.