High School

The High School program of studies conforms to the school’s mission to “help average to high ability” students achieve their highest potential in a college preparatory setting. The breadth and depth of the program and the rotating block schedule offer numerous options for both accelerated students and those with learning difficulties or unusual learning styles.

The curriculum is sufficiently flexible to enable students to design a program suited to their individual interests and abilities as well as to the requirements of university admission in Egypt and abroad

Special support from faculty is provided to accommodate varying academic needs. The school attempts to maintain a responsive curriculum, one in which change can be negotiated systematically through well-defined formal and informal measures.

High School uses formative and summative testing to determine how well students are meeting the goals of the curriculum. In addition, teachers provide regular trimester reports on each student as part of the grading system. The curriculum is perceived as academically challenging and in keeping with admissions policies at universities that attract HSE students.

Students are assessed continuously in all subjects throughout the academic year. Trimester grades are based on multiple assessments. Percentages are used when calculating grades. They are then converted to appropriate letter grades.


Assessments can include, but are not limited to, tests and quizzes, written essays or reports, presentations, video or performance pieces, models or art pieces, debates, etc.



Staff are well qualified and committed to the mission of the school. Teaching methodologies are varied, but staff members are united in their effort to impart knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and encourage active participation in the learning process among the students.

Ample professional development opportunities and on-going staff development in the use of electronic media and computer technology also contribute positively to effective instruction. Such resources are not used in place of the teacher, but as aids to instruction and learning.

Administrators, parents, and faculty members, work collaboratively to achieve a better balance between curricular achievement and the development of character. The school insists on students’ full attendance in order to meet all graduation requirements.

Regular graduation requirements, assessment standards, and grade promotion and retention policies are in place and published in the student/parent handbook.

It is the expectation of Highlands School of Egypt that all students will be successful in their studies and complete all subject requirements for each grade. Students demonstrating satisfactory comprehension and application of the course objectives at the end of a school term will be promoted to the next grade. However on any occasion when a student is unable to meet satisfactory standards where-by promotion to the next grade level is inadvisable or not in the best interest of the student, the Principal is notified and a conference will be scheduled with the parent.

For a student to graduate and receive a diploma, he/she must earn the following credits during High School

HSE students may earn a high school diploma by completing the following requirements:

Students must complete grades 9 and 10

Students must pass 8 credits in grades 11 & 12

Students must pass 5 credits minimum in grade 12.

Students may count 3 credits maximum in grade 11.

Arabic, Religion and Civics are major subjects at all grade levels. Students will be prepared for the Ministry exams in grade 12. Arabic is a failing subject.

Throughout Grades 11 and 12, students have options to take a variety of subjects to meet university requirements in Egypt and abroad. Students receive individual guidance and counseling in order to enable them to make the best course choices.

Throughout High School students are prepared for external examinations in reading, writing, mathematics, critical thinking, and analysis. In Grade 10, students are prepared for EST/ACT.

Graduation Requirements (Grade 9 to 12)

Subject Category
Minimum Graduation Requirements
English Language Arts
4 Credits
4 Credits
Social Studies
3 Credits
4 Credits
3 Credits
Foreign Languages
2 Credits
Arabic Studies
4 Credits
2 Credits
1-2 Credit
National Social Studies
2 Credits
Computer Studies
1 Credit
2-4 Credits
32- 35 Credits


Students sit for their EST/ACT in grades 11 and 12

Students will have 7 trials for ACT/EST: September/ October/ December/ February/ April/ June/ July.

ACT is a computer based test.

ACT is a common core standards based test.

Students entering Medicine, Dentistry, and Engineering must sit for Subject tests.