
Safeguarding begins with promotion, preventative and proactive activity which enables children and young people to grow up safely and securely in circumstances where their development and wellbeing is not adversely affected.

Child protection is a reactive process that supports children when a concern is raised about harm or potential harm that might happen to them.

Everybody who works with children, especially those who have regular daily contact, has a duty to help protect children from abuse.

We want all students to be aware of potential dangers in their lives and to feel comfortable telling adults about their concerns and being proactive in their own safety

Due to the day to day contact with individual children during term times, teachers and other school staff are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of neglect or abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop. Our policy is developed based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Egyptian

Child Care Policy

In order to ensure children are adequately protected, the school will ensure that

We have a Designated Safeguarding Team (DST) who attend at least Level 3 Safeguarding

training at least once every two years

All staff are regularly trained in basic Safeguarding & Child Protection awareness

All staff have read and understand the Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and are aware of the indicators of child abuse and how to respond to concerns or disclosures of abuse by


All children, young people and their families have access to the Child Protection Policy via

the school website

The school holds regular safeguarding class visits and assemblies with all school pupils

The school encourages a safer recruitment policy and head of HR has attended safe recruitment & safeguarding training.

The child protection policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the DSL and the School

Leadership Team

The school maintains health and safety officers and regular safety inspections, ensuring a safe


Purpose of the policy

The purpose of our Safeguarding of Children and Young People Policy is to give clear direction to all stakeholders about the expected codes of behavior in dealing with safeguarding issues. As a school we are committed to the development of good practice and using sound procedures. All safeguarding concerns and referrals will be handled sensitively, professionally and in ways that support the needs of the child.


Our school fully recognizes the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school.

There are three elements to safeguarding children:


Prevention - through a positive school atmosphere, teaching and pastoral support to pupils


Protection - by following agreed procedures ensuring staff are aware and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to safeguarding concerns


Support - to pupils, their families and to school staff

Our objective is for our students to develop high self - esteem, confidence, supportive friends and the knowledge that trusted adults are there to help.