School Transportation

HSE provides safe, efficient and reliable bus services to all students. The school organizes, monitors and takes immediate action to safeguard students and ensure they are comfortable and safe at all times.

Parents must fill in a Transportation Form available at the Reception and pay the transportation fees according to the payment schedule. Parents are to contact the Transportation Office for bus numbers, pick up and drop off times, as well as, mobile phone numbers of the supervising bus matron. Parents can contact the Transportation Office.


Arrival times may vary during the first days of school while routes are being established. Students are supervised during the morning unloading and afternoon loading and attendance is taken in the morning and afternoon to ensure that all students are on the correct bus. Parents must notify the Reception before 11.00 am of any one time changes to travel arrangements and one week in advance for any permanent changes.

It is important that parents abide by the pick-up and drop off times given as bus drivers will only wait for 2 minutes. Authorized individuals must be present on the street to collect your child(ren). Supervising matrons are not allowed to leave other children unattended on the bus, hence, they cannot deliver your child to the door. In the case there is no one to collect your child in the afternoon, your child will be taken back to school until he/she is picked up.

Students are responsible to both the driver and the bus matron. They must obey rules of conduct.       Bus drivers will report any student action that requires discipline to the school administrator. The following rules apply to regular bus trips as well as extracurricular or field trips.

Bus Routes Areas Covered

Sheikh Zayed – Beverly Hills – Wahat – October city – Hadayek Al Ahram – Mohandessin – Dokki – Haram – Gharb Somid.

Responsibility of the Bus Driver/ Matron

Maintain order and safety on the bus.

Assign specific seats to students for discipline and safety.

Ensure the availability of a student list.

Ensure that all students are on the bus.

Bus Rules

Board and leave the bus at regular stop location

Arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the bus stop time. The bus will not     wait for those who are tardy.

Stand off the roadway while waiting for the bus.

Do not cross behind the bus for your own safety.

Wait for the matron before crossing the road, boarding and disembarking the bus.

Remain seated at all times when the bus is moving.

Keep arms and head inside windows.

Do not throw objects from windows.

Refrain from unnecessary conversation with the driver.

Refrain from fighting, pushing and tripping while boarding, riding and leaving bus.

Refrain from any abusive or profane language to other students, driver, or any  pedestrians on the street.

Refrain from eating, drinking, and chewing gum on bus.

Refrain from bringing animals, glass or glass containers, sharp objects, balls, bats, cutting instruments, skate boards and large objects including band instruments unless you have prior permission of teacher handed to the driver.

Refrain from wearing or bringing perfume, cologne or aerosol items that could cause allergic reactions and breathing problems